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We welcome you to come visit one of our classes to check us out and see how much fun we have. Classes are held on Thursdays from 6:30 - 8:50 pm at the Seven Oaks Community Center, 16789 Bernardo Oaks Drive, San Diego (Rancho Bernardo). Then, if you decide you're ready to give it a try, join one of our new classes. New classes start in Sep, Jan, and April. Check the Class Info page for more details.  


Once you've completed the class, you will be offered a chance to join the club and get one of our snazzy badges!

With a membership, you can attend any dance.

Membership is renewed annually.

"Many Hands Make Light Work"


There are many ways to get involved and have more fun as a member of the Wranglers:

  • Attend classes as an Angel (to assist students)

  • Sign up for a hospitality team for one of our dances

  • Bring food to a class

  • Arrive early or stay late to help set up or reset the room

  • Recruit your friends to learn to dance

  • Ask a Board Member for other ideas for getting involved!





Content Copyright 2017-2022.

North County, San Diego, CA USA

All Rights Reserved.

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Westwood Wranglers is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit

Our EIN number is 33-0098293 and we are registered with the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Donations to Westwood Wrangers are 100% tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. Donors can deduct contributions made to Westwood Wranglers under IRC Section 170 and we are qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.  Contributions may be made in person or sent to Westwood Wranglers, P.O. Box 363 Poway, CA 92074.  Checks should be made payable to "Westwood Wranglers Square Dance Club".  Contributions in any amount are appreciated and will be acknowledged by written receipt.

Updated 05-03-20

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